The generous attempts of some of our instructors to mitigate the hardships of our lack of Thanksgiving recess, by allowing cuts on the two succeeding days, meets with the heartfelt gratitude of the men thus benefitted. There is some consideration shown in this for those who do not live within horse-car distances of the college and who do not have opportunities of fleeing to the bosom of their families every few days. That a large number of men are compelled by their home ties to break the regulations of the faulty ought to bring that body to change its position on this question. Two more days mean hardly more than three or four recitations to the majority of men and these might easily be made up by a slight addition to the work after the recess. That the loss would not be a serious one in any given case is shown by the cuts already so kindly granted us, by instructors very well qualified to judge. Why cannot the faculty then yield and give us freely what is rapidly becoming an established illegal fact, namely a Thanksgiving recess?
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The Freshman Race with Columbia.