

The following men will please act as ushers in the game to-day, they can obtain buttons by reporting on the field at 1.45. Bowles, Brengle, Cameron, F, S. Coolidge, Endicott, R. F. Fiske, Flagg, de Gersdorff, Heckscher, Higginson, Herron, Keyes, Mumford, Potter.

J. W. BARTOL, Head-Usher.Mr. Moody will hold two services Sunday afternoon. A Bible reading in the Christian Association rooms at 2 o'clock, and a preaching service at Shepard Memorial Church at 3.

The CRIMSON foot-ball eleven is open to challenges from scrub-elevens. All challenges are to be sent to W. D. Bancroft, Capt. and manager.
