The handicap meeting of the H. A. A., postponed from Saturday, took place this afternoon. The weather conditions were all that could be desired and the track was in good condition. Compared with other fall meetings, that of yesterday was by far the most successful ever held, and although no inter collegiate records were broken, nevertheless in several instances, better times were made than at any previous fall meeting. The officers of the H. A. A deserve special praise for the promptness with which events were called, and for the handicapping which gave universal satisfaction. The contestants themselves ran with great spirit and gameness.
100 YARDS DASH.Dickerman, '90, 6 yards; Merrill, '89, 3 yards; and Payson, 90, 5 yards; contested the first heat of the 100 yards. It was won by Merrill in 10 4 5 seconds, with Dickerman second. The second heat also had three starters, Rogers, '87, scratch; Stowell, '88, 4 yards; and Brown, '90, 5 yards. Regers won in 10 1-2 seconds, with Stowell second. The third heat was a walk-over for Myer '90, 5 yards. In the final heat between the firsts and seconds in their trial heat, Rogers won easily in 10 12 seconds, with Merrill second.
RUNNING HIGH JUMP.Clark, '87, scratch; Sturgis, '90, 8 inches; Codman, '90, 9 inches; Paul, '88, 10 inches; Lothrop, '90, 10 inches; Alexander, '90, 12 inches. This event was won by Alexander with an actual jump of 4 feet 9 1-2 inches, with Sturgis second, with a jump of 5 feet 1-4 inch. Clark failed to jump more than 5 feet 6 1 4 inches.
440 YARDS DASH.Endicott, '90, 25 yards; Sturgis, '90, 25 yards; Wells, L. S., scratch. This proved to be a very close race. Wells steadily crept up on his opponents, but he was unable to beat Endicott by more than a couple of feet. The time, 51 4 5 seconds, has been equalled by Goodwin, '84, at the meeting in the fall of '85.
HALF-MILE RUN.Cogswell, '88, scratch; Strout, '90, 25 yards; Dana, '88, 10 yards. Cogswell cut out a fast pace from the start, making the first quarter in 58 seconds. In the second quarter he caught and ran away from Strout, who in turn ran away from Dana. With the exception of the record of 2 minutes 1-5 second, made by Baker, '86, Cogswell's time, 2 minutes 1 3-4 seconds has not been equalled at any college games for several years.
PUTTING THE SHOT.Faulkner, '90; Hebard, '90. Won by Faulkner with a put of 29 feet 11 12 inches.
MILE RUN.Webster, '87, 75 yards; Hale, '88, scratch; Davenport, '90, 100 yards; Gorham, '90, 100 yards. Hale did not start quite fast enough, and though he spurted pluckily at the finish, he was unable to catch Davenport, who won in 4 minutes 45 seconds. Hale was second in 4 minutes 49 seconds.
MILE WALK.Bemis, '87, scratch; Zinkeisen, '89, 30 seconds; Norton, '88, 30 seconds; Grover, '90, 90 seconds. This event was won by Bemis in 7 minutes 10 3-4 seconds. Norton and Zinkeisen had a hard race for second place, but the former won it in 7 minutes 51 4-5 seconds. Bemis' time was never equalled in a fall meeting.
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