
Fact and Rumor.

Walter Camp, Yale, '80, will probably referee the game to-morrow.

Mr. Moody will hold his last meeting in Shepard Memorial Church to-night.

On account of the rain yesterday the Crew did not go out on the water as usual.

Admission and reserved-seat tickets for Saturday's game may be had at Leavitt & Peirce's.

Ex-President Arthur died at his home in New York, at 5 o'clock yesterday morning.


Prof. Sumner delivered a lecture to the Yale students on Wednesday on Political Economy.

Steelman, the quarter-back of the Wesleyan team, weighs only 104 pounds.

Brinley, the champion college lawn tennis player, is playing half-back in the Trinity eleven.

To-day is the last day that Sever delivers the reserved copies of the Anniversary numbers.

A few copies of the bound sets of the Anniversary numbers are still unsold and may be had at Sever's or Amee's.

A new book entitled "Harvard; The First American University," by George Gary Bush, Ph. D., is soon to be published by Messrs. Cupples, Upham & Co. There will be a special limited edition of one hundred sold by subscription, at $5.00 apiece. After publication this limited edition will be raised to $7.50.

The current number of the Yale Record has an illustration of a "Title Page for the Forthcoming Catalogue." The president is represented as surrounded by members of the crew, nine, foot-ball team, Athletic and Tennis Associations; and the title given to this collection of photographs is "The President and Fellows of Yale."

"It makes us tired to see our exchanges full of rumors that Columbia, University of Pennsylvania, Dartmouth, etc., are going to form an I. C. B. B. League. If Columbia enters any intercollegiate base-ball league, it will be the one in which Harvard, Yale and Princeton are represented, and no other". - Columbia Spectator.

[And don't you forget it].

There was a large attendance at the meeting of the St. Paul's Society, Wednesday evening. Rev, William Lawrence conducted the service and made an interesting address. At the business meeting the following new members were elected: S. B. Stanton, '87; W. J. A. Bliss, and J. R. Wakefield, '88; A. G. Barrett, L. H. Morgan, J. P. Morgan, J. H. Proctor, P. R. Reynolds E. O. Mitchell, '89; T. W. Balch, A. P. Emmons, C. F. Judson, O. B. Judson, C. G. Page, G. Rublee, A. M. Tyson, R. M. Washburn, '90. S. B. Stanton, T. N. Rhinelander, '89 and R. Duane, '88 were appointed members of the executive committee.
