
Special Notices.

Wanted. Ten copies of the CRIMSON of Nov. 1. Three cents per copy will be paid at Amee's.

Weather Strips for windows and doors are now necessary to keep out the November winds, also outside windows. Powers has the inside track on these. Some choice second-hand and misfit cushions for sale cheap. Lee L. Powers, 30 Boylston St.

If the person who took a leather card-case with rounded silver corners, from 13 Weld, on Friday, November 5, will kindly return the same without contents, he will receive the owner's thanks.

An exceptionally attractive room and best table board can be secured for a select club in the McKay House, 24 Arrow St., cor. of Bow.

Lost. Tuesday, in Sever 18, a pair of brown worsted gloves. The finder will please leave at J. W. Brine's.

