


For the first three-quarters of an hour yesterday, Harvard played about as wretched a game as could be imagined. Woodman was not getting through at all; Burgess was not stopping his man from tackling, Harding was not covering his end, while Dudley was slowness itself as quarter-back.

The game right through was a running game. For nearly twenty minutes Technology kept Harvard from scoring, the Tech. men having the ball in their possession fully half the time. Holden made the first touchdown from which Woodman kicked a goal. The ball came back to the Technology goal, and twice Harvard had the ball within the 15-yard line, but in each case three downs failed to carry the ball over the line, and it had to be taken back ten yards. The third attempt succeeded, and Porter made a touchdown. Another goal. Technology made a safety, and just before time was called Woodman made a touchdown, from which there was not time to kick a goal. Score, 24 to 0. The second half showed a marked improvement. The fellows braced up, and played with more snap, and the work in the centre was quick and good. The result was a better looking score. Porter was playing in great shape, and time and again he carried the ball almost to the Technology line, knocking off the Technology rushers in great shape. Holden, too, was running well. Harding made two touchdowns, Porter two, Holden two, and Dudley one, from which Harding kicked five goals. Score, 58 to 0. Woodman and Adams did not play during the second half, and their places were taken by Wood and Faulkner. For Technology, the best playing was done by Herrick, Kimball, Duane, and Dearborn. For Harvard, by Butler, Porter, Holden and Remington, while Dudley's rush-line playing was very noticeable. The teams were made up as follows: Technology. - Rushers, Vorce, Bartlett, Taintor, Tracy, Fisk, Goodhue; quarter-back, Herrick, (capt.); half-backs, Dearborn and Duane; back, Wadsworth. Harvard. - Rushers, Adams, Remington, Woodman, Brooks (capt.), Burgess, Butler, Harding; quarter-back, Dudley; half-backs, Porter and Holden; back, Pea-body.
