THE ST. PAUL'S SOCIETY. There will be a meeting of the St. Paul's Society this evening at 7 p.m. in 17 Grays. The Rev. William Lawrence will conduct the service, which closes by 7.30 A full attendance is requested.
R. B. MAHANY, Pres.Harvard Union. Owing to the fact that Professor Lanciani is to lecture in Sanders Theatre on Wednesday evening next, the Harvard Union debate will be postponed to Friday evening, to give all the members of the society an opportunity to enjoy the eminent scholar's discourse.
R. B. MAHANY, Vice-Pres.All candidates for the freshman foot-ball team must be out on Jarvis at 4 p.m. sharp. Every one must come that there may be two complete elevens.
T. W. SLOCUM, Capt.
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