CRIMSON subscriptions will hereafter be taken at Leavitt & Pierce's, Harvard Street, and not at the Co-operative office.
The Monthly will be out to-day.
Yale mourns the lack of interest in lacrosse among the students.
Mr. George Adams, '86, appeared with the eleven yesterday.
There are over fifty men still waiting for admission to Memorial Hall.
The petition inviting Mr. Moody to come to Harvard was signed by over 500 students.
During part of Mr. Moody's stay in Cambridge he will be the guest of Prof. F. J. Peabody.
An hour examination in Political Economy 1 will be held to-day, at 9 a.m., in Mass. 1 and 3.
The official list of special students is posted for correction in the library and in University.
The vacant store in Holyoke House will be used by Frank A. Kennedy as a branch of his establishment in Cambridgeport.
After the lecture by Prof. Lanciani this evening, there will be a regular meeting of the Classical Club at Mr. Morgan's.
Mr. Moody will hold Bible readings this afternoon, to-morrow, and Friday, at 3 o'clock, in the Shepard Memorial Chapel.
Hereafter the meetings of the Shooting Club will be held alternately on Thursdays and Fridays. The next meeting will be on Friday.
The turf in the yard is receiving annual winter covering. Now is the time to be blest with a severe cold in the head!
Harvard is rich in buildings, libraries, museums, acres and students, but is woefully poor in ready money. - Boston Advertiser.
Mr. Justin Winsor has been directed by the corporation to prepare a pamphlet containing all the addresses, poems, after dinner speeches, etc., of the great celebration.
The following have been elected officers of the Finance Club for the ensuing year: President, Prof. F. W. Taussig; vice-president, E J. Rich, 87; secretary and treasurer, G. Droppers, Gr.
We have been requested by the Secretary to state that there are no printed lists of History topics at the office in U. 5. Several men have evidently misunderstood the notice in a recent issue of the CRIMSON.
The Austin Superior Court is now complete with the following members: W. F. Bacon, '85; H. M. Ayars, '86; E. I. Smith, '85; W. W. Winslow, '85; E. V. Abbot, '86; E. C. Wright, '86; F. D. Swope, (Hanover); A. A. Gleason, '86.
At the meeting of the Delta Upsilon Monday evening, the following officers were elected: President, Mr. Bean, '87; vice-president, Mr. Gray, '87; secretary, Mr. Sillsbury, '89; treasurer, Mr. Richardson, G. B.; chorister, Mr. Tuttle, '87.
Of course, we all believe it! - "Everybody here (New Haven) believes that last year's Yale freshmen would have beaten Harvard and Columbia with ease if their boat hadn't swamped at a very unfortunate moment, etc., etc." - Yale correspondent to the N. Y. Times. N. B. The italics are our own.
The Wellesley Preparatory School at Philadelphia opened under the most favorable auspices. Both boarding and day students have been rejected for lack of room. The crowded condition of the houses formerly occupied has led the directors to form plans for erecting a building better adapted to the increasing number of wants of the students. The Wellesley school at New York is also recorded as full and flourishing. - Globe.
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Wendell Phillips Club.