
Fact and Rumor.

CRIMSON subscriptions will hereafter be taken at Leavitt & Pierce's, Harvard Street, and not at the Co-operative office.

There will be an hour examination in Political Economy 1 to-morrow.

Tables 55 and 18 played a tie game on Jarvis yesterday. Score, 2 to 2.

Sophomore themes are due to-day before 4 o'clock in Sever 3.

Mr. J. H. Sears, '88 has been elected a regular editor of the CRIMSON board.


The keys for the Political Economy library in U. 14 will be given to those men entitled to them to-morrow.

Guy Richards, '87, has been elected captain of the Columbia 'varsity crew.

Mr. W. D. Davidge, Jr., '88, has been elected a business manager of the CRIMSON board.

The protested Amherst-Williams game will be played again at Amherst to-morrow.

H. W. Strait, '90, president of the Yale freshman foot-ball association, has been elected captain of the team.

There was a large delegation of Yale men at the Princeton-Harvard game on Saturday.

Columbia proposed to send two tug-of-war teams to the Seventh Regiment games on the 4th of December.

Table 41 defeated table 40 in a well-fought and sanguinary-game yesterday by a score of 20 to 6. The Glee Club and Pierian play to-day.

Mr. Moody will continue his meetings during the week in the Shepard Memorial Chapel, at 7.30 p.m. They are especially for the students.

The next number of the Monthly will appear on Wednesday. The leading article will be one by Dr. William Everett, on "Harvard of 1855."

Several of the Greek professors and instructors and a number of students intend to witness the Greek play in New York next Saturday.

The Glee Club of the Institute of Technology is practicing regularly twice a week. The Glee Club of this year will probably be one of the best that the Technology has ever had.

Yesterday's Globe, commenting upon the Yale eleven, remarks: "It will be seen that the Yale rush line is lighter than for several years past. It is thought that the men will more than make up in strength what they lack in beef, and it is certain that their game will be a "tricky" one. They have some very neat little tricks on hand in passing and dodging with the ball."

Prof. Rodolfo Lancianri, L. L. D., of the University of Rome, will begin a series of eleven lectures on Roman archaeology to-morrow, Wednesday, evening at 7.30 in Sanders Theatre. The subject of the first lecture will be "The Early Renaissance of Archaeological Studies in Rome. (Dante, Petrarca, Cola di Rienzi. Pomponio Leto, Peruzzi, etc.) These lectures will occur on successive Wednesday and Monday evenings, and will be open to the public. At all, except the first lecture, Stereoptican views will be shown.
