The result of the foot-ball game at Princeton on Saturday was all that the most sanguine could have expected. It must be remembered first that the men on the eleven have been entirely out of practice for years, secondly that most of them have never played against Yale or Princeton at any time, and thirdly that they have been compelled to overcome a widespread notion, or bitter prejudice, that Harvard men cannot play foot-ball any way, and would do well if they never tried. With all these obstacles in its path the team has met the champion foot-players of America on their own grounds, surrounded by hundreds of enthusiastic supporters, and yet it was able to hold their score down to two goals, gained in the first half hour of the play before the Harvard men were able to become accustomed to the field and to the Princeton style of play, which is, in truth, very different from that of the teams in the neighborhood of Boston.
Great creeit is due to Captain Brooks for the energy, perseverance and determination which has been shown, and the college should extend to him their heartiest thanks and congratulations. On Saturday we are to meet Yale on Jarvis Field. Then we shall see what the training of the game on Saturday has done for making more effective the muscle of the eleven. The college waits anxiously to discuss the improvement. We feel that it will not be unrewarded in its expectations.
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