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The chairman of the anniversary committee has been informed by Mayor Russell that four flags used in decoration on the route of the torchlight parade, are missing, and that it is desirous that every effort shall be made to recover them, insomuch as the owner of three of the flags is a poor man, and can ill afford such a loss, while the fourth flag is one which was carried throughout the war by a resident of the city, whose heirs naturally attach great importance to its possession. It is urged that if any undergraduate was led by the enthusiasm of the moment to carry off the flags, he will certainly now show himself gentleman enough to return them when a clear statement of the circumstances is made. No questions will be asked upon their return, nor will any attempt be made to investigate the matter. It is certainly only what can be expected of every gentleman that some deference shall be paid to the feelings of others, even at moments of great enthusiasm. But when the excitement has passed, no excuse can be offered why reparation as far as possible shall not be offered. We say all this upon the supposition that the flags are in the possession of some member or members of the university. But if no undergraduate has them, or was implicated in their removal, the theft can only be charged upon some of the many doubtful characters which the recent parade gathered together. No excuse need be offered by the city government in thus applying in so gentlemanly a spirit first to the undergraduates. We are sorry to say that when even meat signs and the better part of lamp posts are frequently found adorning students rooms, it is no stretch of the imagination to suppose for a moment that some patriotic student has claimed his country's flag as the fair guerdon of a night raid. But we are very loth to think for a moment that such is the case. Indeed, evidences seem to point in much the opposite direction. Not for many years has there been gathered in the city so motley an assemblage as last Monday evening witnessed filling the streets. But that we may not unjustly charge others with that which may be nearer home, we trust for the good name of the university that any reparation possible will now be made, and made at once.
