
Fact and Rumor.

Reserved copies of the anniversary numbers should be called for at once at the University Bookstore. As only a few copies remain, all who desire them should apply immediately to Amee's or the University Bookstore. Bound sets can also be obtained.

Themes in English B are due to-morrow.

Theses on the biography of Spinoza in Philosophy 13 are due to-day.

Yale defeated the University of Pennsylvania at Philadelphia, on Saturday, by a score of 75 points to 0.

Mr. Bancroft was not present at the anniversary exercises on last Monday, as stated in our issue of Tuesday.


Exeter defeated Andover on Saturday 26 points to 0. Williams defeated the Institute of Technology 21 to 0.

The history forensic topics which were published on Saturday must be approved by the instructor in forensics.

At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of Princeton College last Thursday, it was decided to transform the college into a university. Hereafter degrees will be conferred in accordance with certain prescribed rules, instead of in the promiscuous manner in which they have been given in the past.

CRIMSON subscriptions will hereafter be taken at Leavitt & Pierce's, Harvard Street, and not at the Co-operative office.

Unless more men go out and play on the tennis courts, they will be closed as last week's running expenses were not paid.

Corwin, the captain of the Yale eleven, did not play in the game against Pennsylvania last Saturday, but went to Princeton to witness the game there.

Attention is called to Mr. Moody's lecture this evening, and to the fact that tickets of admission may be obtained free of charge at the Co-operative, Sever's and Amee's.

There will be a regular meeting of the CRIMSON board at 1.30 p.m. Every member of the board is requested to be present as important business will be transacted.

Dr. Taylor, chancellor of St. John's College, and vice-chancellor elect, of Cambridge University, England, addressed the members of Dr. Lawrence's bible class yesterday afternoon.

Gen. Paine has decided to sell the famous yacht "Mayflower," as he "cannot give the time required next summer for the trial races in the event of another contest for the America's cup."

At Yale those interested in the coming representation of the "Acharnians" at New York, meet two or three evenings every week at the house of a professor, for the purpose of studying the details of the play, that they may enjoy it all the more when they witness it. It is a pity that such a capital idea was not suggested here at Harvard.
