
Fact and Rumor.

There are over one hundred men at Yale in the gymnasium classes.

Mr. C. R. Bolton, '90, has a poem in the November umber of the Brooklyn Magazine.

The average weight of the Princeton foot-ball team is 170 lbs., that of Harvard, 167 lbs., and of Yale. 162 lbs.

The Amherst Lit offers prizes of $20 for the best story, $15 for the best poem, and $15 for the best essay.

The rumor to the effect that Trinity is forbidden to play foot-ball with Wesleyan, Yale or Princeton is untrue.


In English 12 yesterday Mr. Wendell read a theme from an Annex girl which he considered remarkably good.

Lynch, of the Metropolitans, of Staten Island, will train the Princeton base-ball team this winter.

An attempt is being made to have the Yale-Princeton game on Thanksgiving Day played at Staten Island.

Table 55 defeated table 35 in a well contested game of foot-ball on Jarvis Field yesterday by the score of 14 to 12.

The fifth ten of the institute of 1770 is as follows: Isham, Hathaway, D. H. Clark, Prescott, Wright, Henshaw, Wetmore, Manly, Bush, A. K. K. Mackay.

The new regulations are now in press but it is not definitely known when they will be out. It is said that many important changes have been made.

There is a complaint in the last Williams Fortnight that there is at present a state of literary stagnation in the college.

The prices of admission to the Greek play, to be given in New York, Nov. 19, are: Reserved seats, $3 and $2, general admission, $1.

The interest in foot-ball is to be revived at Columbia. The "Ax and Coffin," a senior secret society, has also been revived after a sleep of eighteen years. - Princetonian.

Prints of the college as seen at two different periods of its existence may be had at Sever's for the moderate price of 25 cents.

The Princeton Glee Club will make its annual trip during the Christmas vacation, starting at Pittsburg the Monday night after Christmas.

A junior at Yale has invented a machine to be attached to an oar for the purpose of registering graphically the strength and form of the stroke. - Ex.

Mr. Hayes will meet all students who are studying elocution with him between eleven and one o'clock to-day in order to arrange the hours for private instruction.

The freshmen at Amherst attempted to have their pictures taken, holding canes, but the upperclassmen interfered and their interference ended in a cane-rush, in which the professors came off victorious, so we understand. - Exchange.

The foot-ball match between Harvard and the University of Pennsylvania will take place Thanksgiving morning at Philadelphia, and at its conclusion a special train will start for the place of holding the Princeton-Yale game which is to be played in the afternoon.

Oberlin has about 1300 students. Among these are 300 students in the Conservatory of Music, 250 scholars in the Preparatory Department and 60 Divinity Students. Morning recitations are each begun with prayer and Chapel is held at 5 p.m., where attendance is not recorded, but each student is put on his honor to attend. There are no dormitories but the students room in private houses. The old buildings which were mostly of brick are being rapidly replaced by handsome stone structures.
