
The Foot-Ball Team.

The eleven started for Princeton last night on the boat train, Fall River line. The original idea was for the team to spend Friday and Friday night in New York, going down to Princeton on Saturday morning in time to get in a little practice before the game. One of the Princeton faculty, Professor Macpharen, however, invited the whole team, substitutes and all, to come and stay with him all the time they were away from Cambridge. This invitation was gladly accepted, and the team will go down to Princeton Friday morning. They will come back Sunday night, arriving in Cambridge Monday morning, after three day's absence. The following men will compose the team in Saturday's game: Rushers, Holden, Remington, Burgess, Brooks, (capt.), Woodman, Butler, Harding; quarter-back, Fletcher; half-backs, Sears, Porter; back, Peabody. Substitutes, Wood, Faulkner, Boyden and Dudley.
