

All candidates for freshman team must be on Jarvis at 4 o'clock sharp, to-day, as it is absolutely necessary there should be two complete elevens.

T. W. SLOCUM,Captain.GLEE CLUB. There will be an important meeting this afternoon, at 4.30. Rehearsal of new college songs and election of associate members.

The adjourned meeting for the formation of the Conference Francaise, will be held this evening in Sever 6, at 7.15 o'clock. The report of the committee will be submitted. All interested in this project are invited to attend. Please come very promptly.

F. D. KALOPOTHAKES.All who intend going to Princeton via Fall River Line, will please meet Mr. Willard'87 at Leavitt & Pierce's at noon to-day. This is necessary in order to determine the rate each man must pay. The larger the number who go, the smaller the rate.

W. S. ALLEN.There will be a meeting of the Institute of 1770, at 7.30 this evening.


BENJ. WEAVER,Secretary.All interested in forming a chorus for the Moody meetings are requested to meet Mr. Towner at the Y. M. C. A. Rooms, Lawrence Hall, to-night, at 6.45.
