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EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON. - Last year witnessed an innovation in boating affairs by the entry of Yale into the Harvard-Columbia freshman race. This year Yale is preparing to take the same step, and it may be well for the '90 crew to get the opinions of experienced and interested rowing men of the college, through the columns of CRIMSON, upon the subject, before agreeing with Columbia as last year, to admit Yale,

Columbia, very shrewdly concealed her opinion by constantly referring Yale's questions to Harvard, and Harvard, at a poorly attended and very uninteresting class meeting, admitted Yale simply on the ground of the genally expressed sentiment in Boylston Hall, that '89 could see "no reason why Yale could not come in."

But the experience of last July points out many reasons, and it cannot be too strongly impressed on the managers of the '90 crew that it is their duty to firmly decline any overtures from Yale '90, and to make their race a Harvard-Columbia race as it has been all these years. The men in the Columbia boat, at the Crocker House in New London, after the race last July, voiced the opinion of the class by asserting that they had never desired Yale in the course and hoped Harvard, as she had the right to decline or accept challenges by reason of her 1885 victory, would decline to have Yale enter.

One of the principle objections, which all who know can tell, is that the course will not hold three boats with equal advantages for all.

Let '90 then stand firmly to the determination to row only Columbia '90 and if Yale wishes to row a freshmen crew, she can make some arrangement for her own race. It would not be too great a strain for the victorious crew in the Harvard-Columbia race, to row Yale a mile straight-away on the day after.


Whatever is done to give Yale '90 a race, it is to be hoped the old time Harvard-Columbia alliance will not be split to admit her again, and it must be remembered that Yale was admitted last year more from foolish courtesy than from real desire or enthusiasm.
