
Fact and Rumor.

The printed list of History forensic topics will be out to-morrow.

Tuesday of next week is the last day for receiving Theme 1 in Philosophy 11.

It is said that at Oxford there are appliances for printing in one hundred and fifty languages.

Columbia has applied for admission to the New York State Athletic Association.

The Glee Club will play the Pierian a game of foot-ball Tuesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock.


Walter Camp, Yale, '80, will probably referee the game at Princeton to-morrow.

It is expected that there will be a large delegation of Yale men at the Princeton-Harvard game to-morrow.

Lockwood, '87, has been elected captain, pro. tem., of the Columbia 'varsity crew.

W. Ford, the New York Athletic Club's all round athlete has been declared a professional.

Admission and reserved seat tickets for the Yale game at Leavitt & Pierce's.

The Bicycle Club will have a run this afternoon to Woodlawn Park Hotel, and a "smoker" in the evening, at 16 Holyoke.

The Pennsylvanian, published by the University of Pennsylvania, offers a gold medal to the man who scores the first point against Harvard on Thanksgiving Day.

The Co-operative Society has appointed Ray, cor. West and Washington St., Boston, as the new dealer in Gentlemen's Furnishings. Discount, 10 per cent. on all purchases amounting to $1 or more.

Harvard papers are inclined to rebuke the freshmen class of that college in every issue on account of the poor work which their foot-ball team is doing in its latest games. - Yale News.

The new Cornell Law School will have a faculty comprising a resident dean, professor, and assistant professor, and special non-resident professors. The course will cover two years.

J. H. Gibson, the champion short distance runner of the world, says that he has used cinder tracks all over Great Britain and the United States, but has never seen as fine a one as that in the athletic grounds of the University of Pennsylvania.

In a recent issue of the Yale News, a communication was published which set forth the fact that a larger number of Exeter men were coming to Yale than formerly, and says Exeter's "change of feeling in favor of Yale should by all means be encouraged."

The Rev. Dr. Taylor, Master of St. John's College, Cambridge, England, and Vice-Chancellor of the university after January next, will preach at St. James's Church, corner of North Avenue and Beech Street, next Sunday evening. November 14, service commencing at 7.30. The public, the students of Harvard University in particular, are cordially invited to attend.

At the invitation of the Harvard Young Men's Christian Association Mr. Dwight L. Moody is coming to Cambridge to hold a series of meetings in the college. The first meeting will be held in Sanders Theatre on Monday, Nov. 15, and the meetings for the rest of the week will be in Shepard Memorial Church. At all these meetings seats will be reserved for members of the university.
