
Yesterday's Race.

About twenty students at the boat-house yesterday morning saw two close races between a graduate and an undergraduate crew. The race was rowed over the regular scratch-race course, from the old coal wharf to the lower bridge. The following is the make-up of the two crews:


Stroke. Adams, '88.

7. J. J. Storrow, L. S.

6. Colony, L. S.


5. Burgess, '87.

4. Mumford, '87.

3. Keyes, '87.

2. E. Storrow, '89.

Row. Yocom, M. S.

Cox. Browne, '88.


Stroke. Bancroft, '75.

7. Smith, '79.

6. Sawyer, '83.

5. Pfeiffer, '79.

4. Curtis, '83.

8. Brandegee, '81.

2. Ayer, '87.

Bow. Knapp, '87.

Cox. Whitney, '89.

In the first race the undergraduates caught the water first at the word, and drew ahead about a length, which they managed to keep until the finish. The graduates, however were not satisfied as they were only just getting shaken together, so it was proposed to race back again to the starting point.

This time the two crews got off more evenly and for some little time the race was very even; but the Undergraduates soon forged ahead, and won by half a length.

It was not generally known about college that the race was to take place, or a great many more would have been at the boat-house to see the graduates crew, which was composed of some of the best oarsmen Harvard has ever had.
