
Fact and Rumor.

Cuts of last year's Yale crew and nine will be the features of the Yale Banner.

Hereafter, the section of History 12 will meet but once a week, on Thursdays.

Amherst defeated Williams on Saturday 6 to 4. The game was protested by Williams.

The members of the Yale rush line all weigh over 170 lbs, with one exception.

Yale defeated Wesleyan on Saturday by a score of 136 to 0. Beecher made 11 touchdowns.


There was a slight fire in 49 College House on Saturday evening; but little damage was done.

It is reported that Brown will give up base-ball next year and devote all her energy to boating.

The next issue of Frank Leslie's Magazine will contain an illustrated article on Harvard.

The Princetonian and the Yale News are for sale daily at Amee's, Harvard Square.

The lower classes at Harvard are compelled to spend but one hour a week in the Gymnasium. - Ex.

In a recent meeting of the Andover club at Yale, plans were discussed for inducing Andover men to come to Yale, and for furthering the interests of the Academy as connected with Yale.

Mr. C. W. Smith, '86, first base and change pitcher of last year's 'varsity nine, is now a member of the class of '88 Institute of Technology.

It is rumored that Wallace, end rush of the Yale 'varsity and an old Andover foot-ball player, will coach the Andover eleven.

Forty members of the Western Massachusetts Yale Alumni Association met at the Massasoit House Monday evening for their fall banquet. President Dwight was their guest and principal speaker. He believed thoroughly in classical education. Among the other speakers were Senator Henry L. Dawes, Rev. Dr. Samuel G. Buckingham, Judge Gideon Wells, Maj. S. B. Spooner and Philip W. Moen.
