
H. A. A.

The annual meeting of the H. A. A. was called to order by Treasurer Russell. The President's report was first read. The Mott Haven Cup was won for the seventh time, and in virtue of the present rules it now will become the permanent property of Harvard. Mr. Smith quoted from the letter of one of the original donors of the cup, who said, that the cup was given as a perpetual challenge, and was not intended to become the property of any one college, except on the dissolution of the inter-collegiate league. He further stated that the executive committee of the league had no right to pass rules that it should be given to any college. And under the existing circumstances he recommended that a new cup should be awarded to Harvard, and the old one be kept as the perpetual challenge trophy. This question will be brought up at the next convention. The success as well as the capital condition of the men at the Mott Haven games was justly attributed to the untiring efforts of Mr. Lathrop.

In regard to the matter of sparring on Ladies Day. Mr. Smith stated that good sparring was a manly exercise. He further said also that the large number of ladies present on sparring day was sufficient to show that they had no objection to this form of athletics. After a vote of thanks to Mr. Smith, the treasurer's report was read. This showed the following figures:

Receipts, $2568.64

Expenditures, 2300.68



Balance, $267.96

The election of officers for the following year resulted in making Mr. H. L. Clark, '87, president; Mr. E. H. Rogers, '87, vice-president; Mr. F. G. Balch, '88, treasurer; Mr. John Balch, '89, secretary.
