
The Harvard Annex.

The Annex was never in so flourishing a condition as it is at present. At the spring and fall examinations there were more applicants for admission than ever before. The freshman class now numbers thirteen members, and several more will undoubtedly join the class in the next few days. The Annex will probably have about 85 students as compared with 75 last year. A sign of the prosperity of the Annex is the large number of advanced special students, graduates of Smith, Wellesley, and other colleges. In physics, the class is the largest ever known, and astronomy is studied by a large number of students. So much interest has been taken in zoology that a second course has been added. In chemistry and physical geography the classes are larger than ever before, and an advanced course is to be given in botany by Professor Goodale. Nevertheless, the classics still remain the most popular courses. Six courses in Latin and four in Greek are provided, all of which are called for by the students, except one advanced Greek course., A new course in Greek archaeology has been added to the curriculum; also a course of biblical study in the New Testament under Dr. Thayer of the divinity school.
