Boston Museum. - "Harbor Lights." Harbor Lights, though why it should be so called is not made very plain to the audience, is a sensational play with a well constructed plot, and although some of the characters and situations are worn a little threadbare by constant use, nevertheless are so skillfully managed as to make it seem almost like a new play. The play is well cast and the company appear to better advantage than in the many plays which they have presented.
Boston Theatre. - "Shadows of a Great City," Owing to lack of time we were unable to report this performance. Notice of it will appear in Friday's issue.
Globe Theatre. - "Erminie." This is the first time the Casino Company have appeared outside their own theatre, which seems a pity, as it is a company of such merit. The opera is founded on the story of 'Robert Macaire,' though so very little is left of the original story as to be hardly recognizable. The music and dialogue are bright and taking, and altogether it is one of the best light operas we have seen for a long while.
Park Theatre. - One of Our Girls." In last Sundays issue of the Herald appeared a long article on this play, and as most of our readers have probably read that, we shall not enter into long descriptions. There is room for improvement in several members of the cast and a lack of polish about certain situations, notably the ending of the play, which seems hurriedly done, no doubt will be corrected.
Hollis Street Theatre. - Adonis. Dixey the gay, Dixey the handsome, Dixey the agile, holds possession of the Hollis Street, and has been received with the same furore that attends his first nights wherever he goes. The play abounds in laughable situations, and Mr. Dixey in turn impersonates a statue, a village belle, Mr. Irving, a barber, and a dry goods clerk with infinite ease and cleverness. Mr. Richards' imitations of Couldock and Bouccicault are exceedingly laughable. There is no lack of pretty music, pretty faces and pretty figures. Adonis is like Venice - "See it and die; for you have then seen all."
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