ANNIVERSARY NUMBERS. All who wish extra copies of the Anniversary numbers of the CRIMSON, should sign for them at the Co-operative.
Secretaries of college societies and clubs are requested to send a list of the officers and members for publication in the Index, to G. P. Knadp, 16 Stonghton Hall. Those who cannot send the lists at once will please send a card stating the number of men that may be expected in each club.
Will all who wish to parade with the graduate students, in the torchlight procession, who have not yet given me their names, please do so before one o'clock to-day (Saturday). I shall be at No. 3 Harvard Hall, from 10.30 to 1.
J. E. HUMPHREY.Torches will be delivered to-morrow, from 9 till 10 o'clock. Uniforms will be delivered on Monday afternoon, at Dane Hall.
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Electric Lighting Postponed.