EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON. - I would respectfully suggest to young "Hopeful," that perhaps the upperclassmen are not as anxious for the honor of his acquaintance as he seems to think. But why is he so modest? Why does he not "drop in" on juniors and seniors, as (he implies) they take the liberty of doing on him? No doubt they would try to endure him for a half an hour or so, if only to experience a delightful feeling of relief after he is gone. But another alternative also suggests itself. It would be a great honor to the class of '90, if they were to inaugurate such a delectable custom. Let young "Hopeful" wait a year, and then, if his prestige as a contributor to the CRIMSON induces the faculty to let him come here again, he can give a reception to the whole freshman class, and thereby cover himself with glory and gain great popularity among the new "hopefuls" who will doubtless appreciate his magnanimy.
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