
The Advocate.

The new number of the Advocate is a particularly good one, and contains a number of well written articles, as well as some bright poetry. The Wanderings of Alexis is written in a good, nervous style which shows the influence of modern French prose in its liveliness, and it contains some good thought. An Effigy written by a graduate of '41 relates an amusing incident in early college life, and the Portrait of a Pencil is a very well conceived tale. In Dr. Palmer's Experiment we have another of the double-identity stories which are so frequent in current literature. Mr. McCleary has contributed an exceedingly bright poem entitled. The Ballad of the Climcha Isles. It gives evidence of sound imagination. and is written in very smooth lines through which flows a subtle undercurrent of delicious humor. The remaining poetry deserves no particular notice. Finally we would call attention to a very ably written review of the new Quarterly Journal of Economics, which is one of the best book notices we have seen in the Advocate.

All gentlemen who propose to take instruction in elocution are again requested to send a tabular view of their recitations to Mr. Hayes.

The Yale Corporation has voted to use the title, "Yale University," in future editions of the annual catalogue and similar official publications.
