PIE ETA SOCIETY. Rehearsal to-day at 5 o'clock.
EVERETT ATHENAEUM. There will be a special meeting of the society this evening, at 7.45, in the old rooms.
F. P. SHELDON, Sec. pro. tem.There will be a meeting of the Institute of 1770 this evening at 7.30.
BENJ. WEAVER, Sec'y.All the candidates for the freshman foot-ball team, will please be on Jarvis Field at 3 o'clock, or as soon after as possible, Oct. 29.
AUG. B. HIGGINSON.H. A. A. Winners in the freshman games must cover distance in some event of the handicap sports to receive their prizes.
H. L. CLARK Pres.H. A. A. Dr. Sargent will examine contestants for the handicap meeting to-day from 2 to 4 p.m.
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