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To-morrow at 12 o'clock, the books now at Leavitt & Pierce's and the Co-operative store to receive the names of those students who wish to participate in the torch-light procession will be removed. In order to make the procession a success befitting the 250th anniversary of the college, it is absolutely necessary to have a larger number of students march than have ever done so heretofore. For some inexplicable reason the list of signatures from the classes of '89 and '88 are much smaller than in the two lower classes. We understand that there are some men who intend to take part in the parade, yet who have by a series of delays omitted to sign. To these we would say that to-day is their last chance, for the books must be closed at noon. Everything promises a thorough success in the celebration, and it is now simply a question as to how that success may best be advanced. It is every man's duty to take part in the procession, It is a shame that the two upper classes are the most lax in signing, - the two classes which are the legitimate leaders. No one student can alter the success new assured, but every additional name lends new weight and influence.
