The following notice has been sent to us with a request for publication.
"A prize of $100 in money will be paid by The Railroader to the contributor of the best railroad story, the competition to be closed Jan. 1, 1887. To the second best $50 will be paid, and to the third $25.
The leading characters involved must be railroad men, and the scenes and incidents must relate to railroading. The length of the competing stories must be 5,000 words and not over 6,000.
Competitors will sign a fictitious name to their manuscript, and send with it a sealed envelope bearing upon the outside the same fictitious name signed to the manuscript, and containing the real name and address of the competitor. These envelopes will not be opened till after the prizes have been awarded.
Any of the stories desired for publication in The Railroader which may not receive an award will be paid for at a rate to be agreed upon between the author and publishers if used.
Competitors should have a friend send their matter by registered mail or express, to preserve the secrecy of their identity, addressed to The Railroader, Washington, D. C., and marked "Prize Competition," to distinguish it from other manuscripts we are receiving."
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Football Games Saturday.