A number of men are held back from signing for uniforms by the thought that a drum and fife corps may be formed. This statement may account for the fact that so few men, especially of '87, have as yet signed the book at Leavitt & Peirce's. '87 and '88 are the only classes in college who had the good fortune to participate in the last presidential torchlight procession. Remembering how important and successful a feature the drum, fife and bone battalion then was, we are not surprised at this present hesitation to sign among the ranks, as long as there is any prospect of repeating the last musical experience. We urge, however, that the proper authority may soon make it clearly known whether we are to have a drum corps, following the lead of the Law School or not. If not, signatures for class uniforms will be more rapidly gained by prompt announcement of the fact. However, if such a corps is to be formed, certainly too much time for practice cannot now be obtained.
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