On account of rain the 'varsity eleven did not go to Exeter yesterday.
There will be a one hour examination in N. H. 2 on Tuesday next.
Coxe, '87, has been unanimously elected captain of the Yale athletic team.
Seats will be assigned in Political Economy 4 to-morrow.
There will be an hour examination in Pol. Econ. 4 next Wednesday. All blue books must be handed in by Friday.
To the great regret of the college community, Dr. Farnham will not lecture on Health and Strength during the coming year.
Rutgers college will be closed on Thursday next, to give the students an opportunity to attend the unveiling of the Bartholdi statue.
An effort is being made at Yale to continue a club which existed two years ago, and was composed entirely of students from Ohio.
The suggestion published in the CRIMSON for the formation of a banjo club has been acted upon. A club has been formed consisting of four banjos, two guitars, a mandolin and a piccolo banjo.
We hear that the Lampoon may possibly be unable to continue its publication this year, on account of the graduation of its best editors. We hope that the report is not true, for what would Lasell girls do without the Lampoon. - Lasell Leaves.
The next meeting of the "Union Woman Suffrage Convention" will be held at the First Universalist Church, Lafayette Square, Main street, Cambridgeport. Excellent music will be furnished by Mrs. Ole Bull, who will play Norwegian Folks Songs on the piano.
Johns Hopkins is to have a new physical laboratory and observatory costing one hundred thousand dollars.
A prize of fifty dollars has been established by the class of '76 at Princeton, to be given to the successful contestant in a debate on a subject of current interest in American politics. The prize is to be known as "The Class of 1876 Memorial Prize for debate in Political Science" and the debate is to be held on Washington's Birthday of each year.
The editors of the CRIMSON were honored yesterday with a visit from the celebrated Daniel Pratt. When pressed by some of the members present to lecture on the "Theory of the Solar System" on Anniversary Day, he declined, on the ground that he did not wish to create any discord in the order of exercises, but that his talents may not be passed by entirely unappreciated, he hopes to publish a pamphlet on the "History of Harvard" for the benefit of the public on Anniversary Day.
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Football Games Saturday.