Sensation Created by an editorial in the Courant.
Quite a breeze was created at Yale to-day by the appearance in the Yale Courant of the following editorial: "It is with some hesitation that we venture upon a subject that can hardly have escaped the attention of the college at large. We refer to the character of the Sunday service as now existing at Yale. That the interest in the Sunday service has been reduced to a minimum is evident to the most ordinary observer, and can hardly have escaped the attention of the faculty. Moreover, that little benefit is derived from the service by the students at large is generally acknowledged. Taking into consideration that attendance is compulsory, and with all due respect to the faculty, we think we but echo the common sentiment of the college in saying that the gospel, as preached to us, is not just what it should be. When we consider that the four years of college life will determine our religious convictions in great part, we think that the subject should be presented to us in the best manner possible, and not in such a way as to drive us to scepticism from sheer indifference. If we are fed on the dry husks of religious conventionalism, we can hardly be expected to develop practical and robust Christianity to help us in our daily life, and not a general shaking up of dead issues." - Herald.
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