
Fact and Rumor.

Petitions should be received at U. 5 before 12 m. to-day.

Saats have been assigned in Philosophy 2.

Wurtenburg, the Yale half-back, was one of Exeter's best backs last year.

Over $300 was realized from the inter-collegiate tennis tournament.

Mr. W. D. Clark, '89 is acting as secretary pro tem. on the CRIMSON board.


O. B. Roberts, '86 is studying practical engineering at the Institute of Technology.

Bailey, '88, and Lothrop, '87, will be hares, and Craig, '87, master of hounds in the run to-day.

The Princeton seniors intend giving a German the night before the foot-ball game with Harvard on Nov. 13th.

All who intend to enter either of the athletic meetings, must be examined by Dr. Sargent within a week.

The terrific explosion which occurred night before last in the yard is yet mysterious in regard to its cause.

The subject of the third theme in English V is on Massachusetts or New York politics, and is due on or before Nov. 4.

The bogus sailors are around again this gear with their "smuggled" cigars. They are "imported" from Boston and wholesale at ten dollars a thousand. Freshmen beware!

Over six hundred undergraduates have signed for the procession. Sign to-day if you have not already.

Mr. Potter, '87, was presented with a cane by his friends as a testimonial of his successful management of the 'varsity nine.

The drawings for the 2d prize in the singles is as follows: 1. Lapsley plays Lee. 2. Brown, a bye, plays winner of 1. 3. Kuhn vs. Tailer.

Snow, '88 plays P. S. Sears, '89 to-day at 3 o'clock for the tennis championship of the college on the Beck Hall courts.

The floor and first balcony will be reserved for the students at the literary exercises at Sanders Theatre, instead of the floor alone as announced in the official report.

President Eliot has appointed the following athletic committee for the ensuing year: Dr. Dudley A. Sargent, Dr. H. P. Walcott, Mr. J. J. Storrow, L. S., Mr. C. F. Adams 3rd, '88, and Mr. H. E. Peabody, '87.

Entries to the Freshman Meeting. 100 yards dash - Dickerman, Myer, Payson, Wolf, McLeod, Lockwood, Brown, Darling, Mason, Andrews, Lynch. Broad jump - Wolf. Mile walk - Grover, Paine. Putting shot - Faulkner, Dickerman, Garrison. 220 yards - Lockwood, Myer, Brown. 120 yards hurdle race - Lynch, Poor, Crane. Mile run - Gorham, McNichol. High jump - Alexander, Dickerman. 1-2 mile run - Endicott, Strout. Pole vault - J. Crane, Jr., W. S. Crane. 1-4 mile run - Sturgis, Hunnewell. The order of events will be published in tomorrow's issue.
