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EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON. - The development of an interest in cricket throughout New England has influenced athletics both in the universities and in the preparatory schools. At schools, where cricket was almost unknown, it is now practiced with skill and success. Some of the members of '90 have played on their school teams, and others are more or less familiar with the game. At St. Paul's cricket is one of the fine arts; St. Marks has given some attention to it, and we have ourselves seen it played with no little skill at other schools.

It would seem to be easy, were anyone to take the initiative, to organize a team from '90 to practice this autumn and to meet other teams with probable success in the spring. At any rate such action would give all those who care for the game a chance to play at it, and would furnish an excellent means of training for the 'varsity eleven. Let us learn the opinion of the Cricket Association.
