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We have to congratulate ourselves upon the amount of interest taken in lawn tennis in the college this year, if we take as an evidence the recent tournament. The number of entries was larger than ever before, and the individual playing has been remarkably good. In the tennis world, Harvard has taken a good stand, both in college and out. One of our graduates has recently been rated at the head of the 'world's' players by an English authority, and judging by present tendencies there will be several more Harvard men to back up his reputation. We have unusual facilities for field tennis in Harvard, but could not an arrangement be made for some sort of a racquet court, where the more skill-requiring game of court tennis could be played. It might be under the auspices of the H. A. A., or the work of a private organization, to be opened to public use afterward, on payment of rent, just as the courts on Holmes are paid for. We recommend the consideration of this idea to the officers of the Athletic Association.
