
Yale Notes.

(Special to Crimson.)

The dedication and formal opening to the university of Dwight Hall, the new Y. M. C. A. building, occurred on Sunday last. The ceremonies were largely attended and were interesting and impressive. The building is a large brown stone one, situated between the library and Alumni Hall. The entire cost of the building was about $60 000 and was the gift of Mr. Frederick Marquand, the giver also of Marquand Chapel in the Theological School, through his executor, Mr. Munro. On the first floor is a reception room with the four class prayer meeting rooms opening out of it, and up stairs is the large lecture hall and the library. All the wood work is of hard oiled wood and is extremely effective. The dedicatory exercises consisted of a presentation speech by Mr. Munro and a formal acknowledgment of it by President Dwight, representing the President and Fellows of the University. A reception was held Monday evening by President and Mrs. Dwight assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Munro in the building, to which all members of the University were invited.

In regard to athletics, the season was opened by the Inter Collegiate Tennis Tournament on the grounds of the New Haven Lawn Club. Trinity won first in singles and second in doubles, and Yale first in doubles and second in singles. The foot-ball team continues to practice every afternoon at the Yale Field. The team will, it is true, consist chiefly of veterans of a year's standing, yet to the ordinary observer, they appear to play with less snap and vigor than they did last year. The accidents to Hamlin and Bull of last year's eleven, are crippling the eleven seriously The following men played in the last game: rushers, Wallace, Gill, Pike, Corbin (centre), Woodruff, Carter, Corwin (captain); Beecher, quarter-back; Wurtenburg and Watkinson, half-backs; Pratt, back.

The preliminary catalogue issued last week, shows the summary of students to be as follows: academic, 574; graduate students, 25; Sheffield Scientific School, 246; special students, 6; total, 871. This is an increase over last year of forty-seven, thirteen in the academic department, and thirty-five in Sheff. The students in the Theological, Law, Medical, Art Schools, and in the Social Science course are not included in the above list.
