The subject of the Union debate last night was, Resolved, That the best interests of the Commonwealth demand the election of John F. Andrew as governor. The debate for the affirmative was opened by W. L. Currier, '87; for the negative by C. L. Griffin, '88. T. W. Thayer, '89, followed for the affirmative, and F. McAfee, Sp., for the negative.
The debate was then thrown open to the house and the following gentlemen took part: For the affirmative, Coulson, Smith, L. S.; Torrey, '90; Naumburg, '89; Hansen, '85; Lee, '89; Shaughnessy, L. S.; Robinson, L. S. For the negative, J. M. Merriam, L. S.; Shattuck, '87; Saunders, L. S.; Shoemaker, '89; and several others. Mr. Griffin closed for the negative and Mr. Currier for the affirmative.
The vote was, on the merit of the question, affirmative, 36; negative, 44; on the debate of the principal disputants, affirmative, 15; negative, 44; on the debate of the principal disputants, affirmative, 15; negative, 52; on the debate as a whole, affirmative, 17; negative, 14.
The question for the next meeting is: "Resolved, That the safety of the country calls for additional restrictions on foreign immigration."
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