
The 250th Anniversary.

A meeting of the undergraduate Anniversary Committee was held last evening and decisive action was taken upon a plan to be submitted by the committee to each class for its ratification. This plan will be placed before the senior class at its first meeting, next Tuesday evening, the junior class on Thursday, probably, and the sophomore class on Friday. It will be submitted to the freshmen at their first annual meeting. It is desired that the entire university will lend the most earnest support as the plan calls for the unanimous and enthusiastic ratification of every student to insure success.

Great care has been bestowed upon the work by both graduate and undergraduate committees and it is expected that the celebration of the undergraduates' day will equal the highest expectations. But the cooperation of all is absolutely essential to make such success possible. For this reason it is expected that the class meetings will be largely attended and that earnest thought will be given to the work. The celebration is now so near at hand that whatever is done must be done at once. The work ought to enlist the working support of every student.
