
Co-operative Society Bulletin.

The fifth fiscal year began on Sept. 23 The membership fee is $2 50 at whatever time paid, and all memberships expire at the end of the fiscal year (Sept., 1887).

The Store and Office are in Dane Hall. Coal is from 25cts. to $1.00 per ton, below market prices. Give orders at the Office.

Members who wish credit may have monthly accounts kept by depositing a bond or other security. Blank bonds are ready.

Most of the text-books are now in stock. Fine Art Photographs, unframed and framed, Blank Books, in great variety, and all stationery.

Members will find some pieces of new furniture in stock.


A single heavy ash chamber-set, with mattress, springs, and bedding, at a very low price.

Lamps, Crockery, Cutlery, Leather Goods and Druggists' Sundries are in stock.

All who have second-hand books to be put on sale will please leave notice early.
