
Fact and Rumor.

There will be no lecture in Greek 10 to-day.

There will be no recitation in Philosophy 2 to-day.

The Advocate which is just out, is an exceptionally good number.

Mr. George Kimball, '87, has been elected a member of the Signet.

The first special report in History 13 will be due on November 2nd.


The Advocate will publish the literary parts read on the undergraduates day of the anniversary.

Theodore Roosevelt, '80, has just been nominated for Mayor of New York by the Republican party.

It is rumored that a prominent Cambridge Furnisher is about to bring a suit of libel against the Lampoon.

Mr. W. S. Bryant, '84 has been elected chief marshal for the Medical students in the undergraduate procession.

The first thesis in Philosophy 4 will be due on Oct. 36. Subject: An exposition and criticism of the system of Hobbes.

The faculty of the Medical School will wear red gowns and the mortar-boards at the alumni meeting on November 8th.

Yale defeated the Institute of Technology on Saturday by a score of 96 points to 0. Watkinson, the half-back, kicked thirteen goals.

Special report blanks in History 13 were returned last Saturday, and notices regarding the usage of the blanks were distributed at the same time.

The formation of a Social Science Club for the discussion of Political Science, has recently been effected at Yale by Professors Sumner, Hadley and Farnham. The membership is at present limited to graduates.

L. K. Hull, '83, for several years captain of the Yale foot-ball team and crew, has just been elected Mayor of Mandau, Dakota, the roughest frontier town in the Territory.
