Students are invited to call and examine the large assortment of Upright Pianos and other instruments for sale or to rent at 28 Boylston St., Read Building, Cambridge.
Found. - A black silk umbrella, which the owner may have by calling on the janitor of Weld, and proving property.
Stable to let. Warm stable, with stalls for two horses; carriage-room, harness-room, and sample loft. Apply at 56 Buckingham St.
Students. Window seats and cushions made to order and upholstered at small cost. Estimates furnished. A fine line of drapery curtains, selling off at 10 per cent. discount to close. Brass and black finished andirons and fenders at very low cost. Japanese goods for decorating at 30 Boylston St. Conducted by Lee L. Powers.
Wanted. Someone to fold and address 250 circulars. Apply at 43 Grays.
To Let. A suite of rooms for one or two students to let in house corner Holyoke and Mt. Auburn Sts. Sunny exposure. Abply 26 Holyoke St.
Table board and furnished rooms. Students may obtain board at club tables or at a general table. Also one suite of furnished rooms. Sunny location. Terms moderate. Mrs. M. J. Pike, 16 Oxford St.
To Let. Furnished front rooms, in suite or single, all improvements with first-class table board if desired, three minutes walk to the college. 14 Trowbridge St., Cambridge, Mass.
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