
Fact and Rumor.

The first junior forensic will be due Dec. 7.

There will be no recitation in Philosophy 2 on Monday.

Harvard plays the Stevens Institute eleven this afternoon on Jarvis.

Philosophy 11, Prof. Peabody's course, will be given in University 2 hereafter.

The Institute of Technology foot-ball eleven plays Yale at New Haven to day.


There will be a make-up (final) examination in German A. to-day, at 9 o'clock, in U. 2.

Mr. Henry Dixon Jones will give a series of popular lectures during the coming season.

All tennis players are urged by the Tennis Association to enter next week's tournament.

Mr. Francis Wilson the actor, visited the CRIMSON office yesterday, as the guest of Mr. Morton D. Mitchell.

The Columbia College base-ball nine has made application for membership to the inter collegiate league. - Cornell Sun.

Leavitt & Peirce have prepared for distribution among their friends a neat schedule of the inter collegiate foot-ball games this fall.

The law concerning the shooting of quails went out of force yesterday. This piece of information is for the benefit of the Shooting Club.

A few copies of the pamphlet used in Physics B will for the present be kept in the college library among the books reserved under my name. E. H. Hall.

Dr. McCosh, of Princeton, has completed a work on Psychology. This will be followed by one on the Motive Powers, Conscience, Emotions and Will.

The third ten of the Institute of 1770 are: T. S. Tailer, P. S. Sears, H. M. Sears, J. T. Davis, J. M. Smith, J. G. King, J. M. Marvin, A. Burr, A. Dorr, T. Smith.

Through a misapprehension the number of students in History 20 was given as two, whereas there have been more applications for admittance to the course than could be granted.

The Harvard Annex contains nearly 100 students. In the number are many advanced special students, graduates of Wellesley, Smith and other colleges. The freshman class numbers 25. - Ex.

At the fall regatta held at Lake Saltonstall last Wednesday, the sophomore crew beat the juniors by 21 seconds. In the freshman race between '90 and '89 S., '90 won by about three lengths.

The Advocate comes out to-day and the Lampoon came out yesterday. The latter, although deprived of the services of its two ablest designers, is as merry as ever, and the reading matter is unusually clever.

The following has been determined upon as the route of the procession on Anniversary Day: Forming in front of the gymnasium, it will march to Quincy St., thence to Harvard, to Prospect, to Central Square, then up Main Street to the yard; round the yard, up Brattle Street to Craigie, to Concord Avenue and the common; thence across North Avenue to Holmes Field.

The following new members were elected at the last meeting of the Harvard Art Club: From '87, Austin, Barrow, F. S. Coolidge, Emery, Fessenden, Garnet, Hamilton, Houghton, Mead, Oakes, S. W. Perkins, Wiestling, Woods, A. C. Smith, F. S. Palmer, Seelye. From '88, H. M. Clarke, Brewer, Fuller, Furness, Grover, Hallowell, Sedgwick, Pease. From '89, W. D. Clark, Ellis, J. G. King, Parker.

The following were the scores made by our representatives in the inter-collegiate tennis tournament on Tuesday: Brinley of Trinity beat Snow, 6-1, 6 0; Bacon of Columbia beat H. M. Sears, 5 6, 6-2, 6-3; P. S. Sears beat Kabayawa of Wesleyan 6-2, 6-2; and in the second round he beat Duryea of Williams, 6-5, 6.1. In the doubles, Hull and Bacon of Columbia beat Kuhn and Snow by default; P. S. and H. M. Sears beat Warren and Hovey of Brown, 2 6, 6-5, 8-6.
