
Thomas Francis Hearn.

Thomas Francis Hearn, a special student, died on the twentieth of last July at his home in South Boston, of pneumonia. Mr. Hearn was a member of high standing of the class of '85, B. L. S., and his bright, genial disposition made him universally beloved by his class-mates. Owing to weakness in his eyes, he was obliged to suspend his studies at the Latin School two years before graduation and entered business. But his desire to pursue a college course was so strong that be devoted his leisure hours to study and entered college with his old class-mates last year as a special student. His excellent work during the past year would undoubtedly have admitted him as a member of good standing of the sophomore class, but about the middle of last June he was stricken down with pulmonary disease, from which he died six weeks later.

Personally, Mr. Hearn was a young man of the highest character, and his sterling qualities and natural gifts gave promise of a useful manhood. He will be sincerely mourned by his many friends in college.
