
University Boat Club.

Owing to a press of matter in yesterday's issue the account of the meeting of the H. U. B. C. on Monday evening was unavoidably omitted. The meeting was held in Holden Chapel. The elections of officers resulted as follows: President, F. S. Coolidge, '87; vice-president, C. F. Adams, 3rd; secretary, Copley Amory, '88; treasurer, F. G. Balch, '88. The retiring treasurer, Mr. F. S. Coolidge, stated that the debt of $2,000 which rested on the club had been paid, all the expenses for the year had been met, and that there was at present $160.03 in the treasury.

A motion was passed to the effect that men rowing on the University crew should not be allowed to row on their class crews, and it was also voted to empower the executive committee to elect a graduate committee for the purpose of assisting the captain of the crew in his duties.
