At the foot-ball convention in New York last week there were present the following delegates: Harvard, Brooks and Hamlin. Princeton, Savage and Bradford. Yale, Corwin and Hare. Pennsylvania, Graham and Young. Wesleyan, Wells and Stevens.
Mr. Savage, of Princeton, called the meeting to order. There was not much difficulty in arranging the schedule of games for this fall until it came to the Yale-Princeton game. The constitution of the foot-ball association says that the game between the two leading colleges shall be played in New York on the Polo Grounds, on Thanksgiving day. This has been carried out until last year, when the Princeton faculty said that the Princeton eleven could only play on some college grounds. By agreement of the captains of the Yale and Princeton teams, the constitution was set aside, and as Yale then held the championship, the game was played on the New Haven grounds. This year the edict of the Princeton faculty is still in force, so that the game cannot be played in New York, Consequently, by every principle of fair play and justice, the game should be played in Princeton this year. But no; Yale made two objections. First, that the Princeton faculty could be easily persuaded to change their decision, and secondly, that the constitution prevented the game from being played elsewhere, except in New York. The result was a dead lock. A proposition was made to annual the constitution as far as the clause relating to the Thanksgiving game was concerned, but the motion was lost through the opposition of Yale and Wesleyan. Finally, the convention broke up, leaving the place of the Yale Princeton game to be decided later on. Below is given the schedule of games:
October 27, Pennsylvania vs. Wesleyan, on the Polo Grounds.
October 30, Yale vs. Wesleyan, at New Haven.
November 6, Harvard vs. Wesleyan, at Cambridge.
November 6, Princeton vs. Pennsylvania, at Philadelphia.
November 13, Harvard vs. Princeton, at Princeton.
November 13, Yale vs. Pennsylvania, at New Haven.
November 20, Harvard vs. Yale, at Cambridge.
November 20, Wesleyan vs. Princeton, at Hartford.
Nov. 25, Harvard vs. Pennsylvania, at Philadelphia.
Nov. 25, Yale vs. Princeton, at -
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