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The Glee Club concert of last Friday revived old memories and feelings, and with them the memory of a plan, not new, but one which may be made new by its extension to a yet wider scale than was at first intended. We speak of class Glee Clubs. That such clubs could exist has been shown by the freshman Glee Clubs of the last two years. The University Glee Club draws but five men on an average from each class; surely, there would be enough vocal material left in the class to form a tolerable class Glee Club. A moderately good one, moreover, would be sufficient endorsement of the plan. The advantages of such a scheme are clear; first, the pleasure afforded to the college; and secondly, the pleasure and practice gained by the members of the various clubs themselves. Of the latter, there can be no doubt; while to the other, we who have listened with delight to the - alas, too few concerts of our University Glee Club, and have regularly roared "more," are a host of ready witnesses.
