
Meeting of the H. T. A. L.

The first annual meeting of the Harvard Total Abstinence League took place in Sever 11 on Monday evening. Mr. E. C. Webster, president of the League, was in the chair. An audience of about sixty listened to excellent talks on the principles of the society from Prof. F. G. Peabody, Rev. E. E. Hale and Mr. Cummings. Dr. Hale spoke of the almost uniformity of the rule that it was the abstaining portion of men who achieved success in all walks of life, and especially in the department of literature. He then humorously alluded to the future meeting in 1936 of the class of '86 over in some room in Weld, and spoke of those who would then be major-generals or privates, according as they had withstood or not the temptations of their life.
