

We invite all members of the university to contribute to our columns, but we do not hold ourselves responsible for any sentiments advanced in communications. Anonymous contributions will not be accepted.

HARVARD TOTAL ABSTINENCE LEAGUE. - A PLEA FROM THE PRESIDENT.EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON. - The total Abstinence League is the only society in Harxard for the advancement of temperance principles among the students. Organized only a few years ago, it has held several public meetings which have been addressed by such men as ex-Gov. Long, ex-Gov. John P. St. John, Col. Bain, John B. Finch, Col. Higginson. John B. Gough, Gen. John L. Swift, and some of our own professors. Last year was unavoidably an off-year with the society, and few new names were added to the constitution. Membership means total abstinence from all intoxicating liquors as a beverage, as long as one is connected with the university; but members are at liberty to resign at any time. There is no fee to join, and contributions to carry on the work are generally voluntary. An earnest invitation is extended to all members of the university to connect themselves with the League.

E. C. WEBSTER,Pres. H. T. A. L.
