

No Headline

We are authorized by President Eliot to state that the item that appeared in yesterday's Boston Herald regarding smallpox at Harvard, is a misrepresentation, having but slight foundation. One of our students was conveyed to the college hospital, having a slight attack of scarlet fever. By the article of the Herald reporter, this indisposition was magnified into smallpox. We have condemned this failing of student reporters before, but this latest example of greed for news, exaggeration, and total unreliability, deserves more than condemnation. The item in question will be copied far and wide, and will cause needless consternation. A desire to be accurate, and due respect for the feelings of students and their friends should dictate, to all reporters, a spirit of careful discernment and reliable investigation, before sending to the public press an item of such fearful consequences. We shall look for a public forcible correction of this misrepresentation.
