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Lost. - A note book in History 4. Please return to Thayer 65.

Tutoring in History II; F. A. VI; N. H. II and Freshman Chemistry at 12 Stoughton.

Owing to sickness, Sig. L. Papanti was unable to meet his class on Monday Dec. 14. He will begin instruction in Dancing, Etiquette, etc. in Lyceum Hall next Monday evening, Jan. 11, at 7.30 p.m.

Wanted. - A set of good notes in F. A. 6. Apply at Leavitt & Peirce's.

Tutoring in History 12 and Natural History 2. Wm. W. Nolen, '84, 6 Little's.


Tutoring in Pol. Econ. IV, VI and VIII, History II and XIII. Complete short-hand notes of all lectures. E. C. Lunt, '86.

Notes of lectures delivered this half year in Pol. Econ. IV for sale at the Co-operative. Lectures for January will be furnished within a week after they have been delivered. Price for half year, $2.

Pol. Econ. I. Tutoring in Pol. Econ. 1. G. E. Howes, '86, 49 Grays.

A club table can be accommodated at Mrs. Harriet Morgans, 97 Mt. Auburn street, after the recess.

Tutoring in French A and German A. Apply to G. Bradford, Jr., 8 Prescott, St., Cambridge.

Room in the yard. - No. 34 Thayer may be had for the rest of the year. A bonus will be given to anyone taking the room. Apply to Arthur Lyman, or to Joseph Lee, at the Law School.

To Harvard students. Visit the old established house of J. W. Brine. Clothing cleaned, pressed and repaired. Mr. Harry Haugh, the great London cutter, has charge of our custom department. His large experience at Cambridge and Oxford, England, enable him to do nothing but first class work. We are the regular co-operative store. J. W. Brine, 10 and 11 Harvard Row.

At the suggestion of my many patrons I have engaged the well known and able cutter, George St. Clair. His abilities as a cutter need no comments, as he is so well known to the public. I have given him charge of my custom department. Mr. J. Foly has charge of the steam naptha, cleansing, pressing and repairing, for which purpose I have engaged three rooms attached to my store in order to give more speed to my work. In my new quarters I have the largest and best facility for cleansing, pressing and repairing, than any other tailor establishment in New England, J. F. Noera, 436 Harvard St.
