


EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON. - Allow me through your columns to make a brief report of the finances of the Boat Club. Since the report of October 14th, bills of last year, not then taken into account, have appeared to the amount of $183.94. So that, at the beginning of this college year, there were against the Boat Club bills amounting to $1,921.48. To meet this there were $160.11 in the bank and bills receivable amounting to $308.42; making the exact debt of the Boat Club $1,452.95 on Oct. 1st.

It is hard to realize the demoralizing effect of such a debt hanging over each new captain, and hampering his every action. Considerably over one third of the money raised by subscriptions goes to pay up the debt transmitted from the previous year, and leaves far too little for the current expenses. For the past two years the debt has not increased, and if the college will make an effort and pay off the existing debt this year, the club will be enabled in future to carry on their affairs on a cash basis, which will lessen the actual expenses, prevent tradesmen from charging interest on delayed bills, and will do away with all chance of forming a new debt.

This is the time if ever to pay off the debt. It is a year after victory, and also a year when there was no foot-ball team to support. Moreover, the club is making an effort to repair the launch through the aid of graduates, and many of them have subscribed only on condition that the undergraduates will make a vigorous attempt to pay off the debt this year.

Last year $3,650.00 was raised by subscriptions. If we can raise $4,600.00 we think we can pay up all expenses of this year, and begin next October free of debt.

Below is a summary of this year's subscriptions:


The freshmen have subscribed hardly one seventh of what the freshman class usually does, and although the class has not yet been thoroughly canvassed, those who were asked to subscribe in many cases refused to do so, not realizing that the freshmen ought to bear equally with the other classes the expenses of the crew. The total amount subscribed up to January 1 is $2,691.

Seniors, $686

Juniors, 988

Sophomores, 800

Freshmen, 110

Law School and others, 107

The total amount paid up to January 1st is $1,186. $1,076.81 of this has gone to pay some of the bills left over from last year.

Two thousand dollars more must be subscribed in order to free ourselves from debt.

I hope every man will carefully consider this and do all he can to bring about the desired result.


F. S. COOLIDGE,Treas. H. U. B. C.
